Japan's Economic Outlook (Quarterly) 2019
Economy cruising at low altitude, but avoiding bottom falling out. In this report we examine the following: (1) Future of decoupling of domestic and overseas demand, (2) Advanced nations retain fiscal strength (No. 203Update)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.9% in FY19 and +0.5% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.6% in FY19 and +1.0% in FY20.
December 09, 2019
Economy cruising at low altitude, but avoiding bottom falling out. In this report we examine the following: (1) Future of decoupling of domestic and overseas demand, (2) Advanced nations retain fiscal strength(No.203)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.8% in FY19 and +0.4% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.4% in FY19 and +1.0% in FY20.
November 28, 2019
Overseas Demand Worsens, but Domestic Demand Provides Support. In this report we examine the following: (1) Transferring Production due to US-China Trade Friction, (2) Personal Consumption, (3) Minimum Wage (No. 202 Update)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.8% in FY19 and +0.4% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.3% in FY19 and +0.8% in FY20.
September 09, 2019
Overseas Demand Worsens, but Domestic Demand Provides Support. In this report we examine the following: (1) Transferring Production due to US-China Trade Friction, (2) Personal Consumption, (3) Minimum Wage(No. 202)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.9% in FY19 and +0.4% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.5% in FY19 and +0.8% in FY20.
August 27, 2019
US-China Trade Friction: What Direction will it take?(No. 201 Update)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.6% in FY19 and +0.5% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.6% in FY19 and +1.2% in FY20.
June 11, 2019
US-China Trade Friction: What Direction will it take?(No. 201)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.5% in FY19 and +0.5% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +1.4% in FY19 and +1.2% in FY20.
May 31, 2019
Japan’s Economy Continues Dependence on Domestic Demand. Growth Seen falling below potential growth. In this report we examine the following: (1) How will Acceptance of Foreign Workers Influence Wages and Productivity, (2) Main Scenario for the Global Economy (3) Risk Factors for the Global Economy(No. 200 Update)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.6% in FY18, and +0.7% in FY19, and +0.6% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +0.4% in FY18, and +1.5% in FY19, and +1.3% in FY20.
March 11, 2019
Japan’s Economy Continues Dependence on Domestic Demand. Growth Seen falling below potential growth. In this report we examine the following: (1) How will Acceptance of Foreign Workers Influence Wages and Productivity, (2) Main Scenario for the Global Economy (3) Risk Factors for the Global Economy(No. 200)[Summary]
Japan to see real GDP growth of +0.5% in FY18, and +0.8% in FY19, and +0.6% in FY20, with nominal GDP growth of +0.4% in FY18, and +1.6% in FY19, and +1.2% in FY20.
February 25, 2019