March 09, 2022
◆In Japan, health management, which has been under way since around 2010, has expanded considerably over the past decade.
◆It is now strongly recognized that improving productivity by maintaining and improving employee health is essential for the sustainable growth of a company.
◆The challenge is that methods of health management and methods of measuring value have not been sufficiently established, and also there is a large disparity between companies in terms of the content of disclosure of such information, making it difficult for stakeholders to evaluate them.
◆The government expects that obtaining appropriate evaluations from investors and other stakeholders will lead to the reevaluation of Japanese companies, and to that end is promoting "visualization" of health management, but companies will also need to disseminate information with an awareness of how health management leads to their own growth.
◆In the future, three points will be required for companies to earn a higher reputation in the capital market for health management: (1) active measurement and disclosure of corporate performance; (2) external appeal of initiatives beyond the framework of the company, including business partners; and (3) disclosure of the impact of health management in numerical terms.
◆Deepening the methods of health management and accurately disclosing the measures being implemented and their results have become extremely important as a corporate management strategy.
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